Sunday, December 20, 2009

KWML around me

KWML for those unawares is a jungian psychological classification of people into 4 basic temperaments. King/Queen, Warrior, Magician and Lover. For more on KWML go to

Kings/Queens are left brained, nurturing, slow to action people - Matt Daemon, Good will Hunting.
Warriors are left brained, confident hogh octane action oriented people - Russell Crowe in gladiator, One of my friends Alex.
Lovers are right brained, artistic philosophers and are slow to action like Kings/queens - Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge.
Magicians are right brained, artisitc action takers - Easy to spot but very few in numbers - Jim Carrey, Vince Vaugn.

With that background, I started to read KWML of those around me and re-evaluate my stand on the KWML spectrum. The test ( puts me as a lover and the job I do demands to be a King and I love solving problems. Or lets just say I believe identifying a problem is half as good as solving the problem itself. I work by this paradigm.

Going back to KWML I am a lover and my close buddy is a warrior. Another dude at work I get along pretty well is a warrior too. Interestingly we agree on same issues but for very different reasons. Warrior women friends like to hang out with me just because they are amused at how I keep cool head. But it is constant struggle to be around them consistently because they don't get a joke and they take any comment too literally and get pissed off quite often. Yeah they need growing for sure. And I just cannot get along with some immature warrior women at all. This one girl I had amazing chemistry early on was a warrior and had too little patience. The initial passion was great but then it died out because she was too aggressive for my liking. It always is a heavy work to be constantly surrounded by warriors who don't like to be lighter hearted.On the other hand I get along very well with magicians as they don't give a damn and just concentrate on having fun. When they are quite which is rare it seems perfect to have that quiteness. While calmness with lovers girls is boring, calmness with queens/kings is interesting to some extent but boring on ongoing basis.

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